This will explain some of the events that we have planned to make it easier for you to decide which to participate in. We tried to have both organized events and informal meeting places for your convenience. We have also setup a web-site for those who have access, to setup your own meeting places. We hope this will work well for you.

Please note, the only things that are covered in the cost of the reunion weekend are the dinner, music, and program for Saturday evening. The round of golf, business card ad in the reunion booklet, cash bar, price of a class photo, and any other meals are at your expense.

  1. We are selling business card ads for $25.00 to help defray the cost of the reunion booklet. These ads will be placed in the reunion booklet. Please note that the committee has the right to refuse any inappropriate advertisement. Please send two (2) copies of your business card along with the payment.
  2. Ray’s Upstairs is located on Franklin avenue across from the Pufferbelly, the former train station. Please note that Ray’s has a dinner menu and serves meals upstairs. $$ Please note – this evening is at your expense $$
  3. The round of golf will consist of 18 holes at the KSU golf course. Mark on the reservation form, and we will contact you with details closer to the reunion. $ Green fees/cart rental will be at your expense and due upon arrival at the course $
  4. Our lunch meeting place will be the Main Street Tavern (previously the Fiesta Restaurant). It is located on West Main Street past the care dealerships on the right at the light at Frances Street. We wanted to have a place that classmates could get together during the day. $ Please note – lunch will be at your expense $
  5. Tour of the school will begin at RHS main entrance. Remember where that was . . Atrium, Library, Cafeteria?? We have to jog the memory a little!! Wait until you see it now!! If the tour group is less than 10, we will have to cancel this activity.
  6. The reunion at the Rusty Nail will include: hor d’oeuvres, cash bar, dinner, and music for dancing. A class photo will also be taken and will be for sale. The dinner menu will consist of carved tenderloin, Chicken Marsala, Spinach Lasagna, and all the fixings. We are also planning on having a "Classmates Corner". This will be a spot that you can pose with the old gang and get a framed Polaroid to take home. We will be charging $5.00 per photo. A portion of the money will go to defray the cost of the film and frame and the other portion will be donated to RHS.
  7. Breakfast at Country Kitchen, on West Main Street (formally Bob’s Big Boy), will be our Sunday meeting place. Again, we wanted a place that classmates could visit before leaving town or to continue with the weekend. $ This meal will be at your expense $
  8. The class picnic is at Twin Lakes Beach on Route 43. Just tell them at the entrance that you are with the Class of ’74. Pizza, chips, and pop will be donated. In case of rain, we will meet at the RHS pool with a classroom as our meeting place.
  9. If you have any old class photos or ones of the reunions past, please bring them for Saturday evening. We can put them on display or you can just surprise us with them.
  10. If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact any of the Reunion Committee.

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