The Kent Roosevelt Class of 1974

25th Reunion

07/20/99 -- Weekend updates --The weekend schedule is as follows
Friday Rays Place 6:00 - ??????
Golf -- KSU 8:00am is the first tee time. Be at the course between 7:00- 7:30 Foursomes picked at the course.
Lunch -- Main Street Tavern at 12:00
High School Tour -- 2:00 pm at the school
Dinner -- Rusty Nail start time 6:00 pm
Sunday --Breakfast -- Country Kitchen 9am - 12pm
Picnic -- 1-5 Twin Lakes
07/20/99 -- Weekend Updates -- Rays-- Food will be available from the menu at Rays. Golf-- Plan on arriving prior to the first tee time of 8:00 a.m. Foursomes will be decided at the course.
Breakfast-- Plan on meeting who you want to have breakfast with prior to arriving at the restaurant. Because the restaurant is very busy we could not reserve any tables. So we will be spread out through the dining room.
07/20/99 -- the new count for the weekend... 80 total for dinner , 76 for Rays, 14 golf, 19 lunch, 23 tour, 32 photo, 2 ads, 13 breakfast, 60 picnic .
07/20/99 -- Web Stats Web Stats -- as of 7/20/99
Total number of hits -- 500
Most popular operating system -- windows 98
Most popular browser -- Netscape 4X
Week with most hits -- 1st week of June 99
Most popular time to visit website
1 -- 7 am
2 -- 8 am
3 -- 10pm
Most popular day
Tuesday -- Wednesday -- Friday (tie)
07/13/99 -- the new count for the weekend... 71 total for dinner , 66 for Rays, 13 golf, 18 lunch, 23 tour, 32 photo, 2 ads, 12 breakfast, 60 picnic .
07/11/99 -- The News ... No he was not building the new school, in the gym, or at his locker. We find Mark Haskin enjoying life in Virginia. Ok Mark where is the money ?
07/08/99 -- the new count for the weekend... 66 total for dinner , 65 for Rays, 12 golf, 17 lunch, 23 tour(maybe we'll find Mark Haskin building the new school ?!, 28 photo, 2 ads, 12 breakfast, 60 picnic .
07/01/99 -- the new count for the weekend... 56 total for dinner , 51 for Rays, 9 golf, 15 lunch, 22 tour(maybe we'll find Mark Haskin in the gym ?!, 24 photo, 2 ads, 11 breakfast, 48 picnic .
07/01/99 -- We have scheduled 4 tee times for Saturday morning. that is enough for 16 golfers. If you have not sent your forms or money in and you want to play golf I need to know so we can make sure we have enough tee times for every one to play. the plan is to play 18 holes and be finished by 1:00. So please let me know ASAP.
06/24/99 -- the new count for the weekend... 52 total for dinner , 47 for Rays, 7 golf, 15 lunch, 21 tour(maybe we'll find Mark Haskin in his locker?!, 22 photo, 2 ads, 8 breakfast, 43 picnic . I keep talking with folks and they say they are comming. I'm thinking we may get a lot at the door.You can do that but we prefer you register early. So send your forms in!!!.
06/20/99 -- The 25th class reunion is almost upon us !!!!!! I talked with Laura yesterday and she indicated to me that the reservation forms have been coming in very slow. Based on the 20th year reunion we expected 100 (yes that is almost 30 percent !!!) classmates to attend the dinner function. Based on what I heard and from the pictures I saw, and Steve Georges eyewitness accounts, the reunion was a great success.
IMHO Laura and the committee has worked very hard to get this thing off the ground. I have never seen so many things to do at a reunion event nor have I seen it so organized. So where am I going with this? Simple, with 5 weeks to go we need to get it in gear and get our information and forms in. We need to call, contact or E-mail all of our old classmates and friends so that they can do the same.
Our goal is to reach that 100 mark once again.
With everyones help we can do it.
05/23/99 -- Ok So many of us with kids have played where's Waldo. So my question is -- Where's Mark (Haskins), here is a guy who played football, was in the choir,NHS, drama, class officer and has FALLEN OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH. He has never attended a reunion, never called, and never wrote. We want to find you Mark. So come on down! If any one knows Marks wherebouts E-Mail ASAP I will buy you beer at Rays. The other individual I am looking for is Mele Speaker. Mele came to us around our freshmen year. Around 1976 she got on a plane to Rhode Island and we never heard from her again She has never attended a reunion either. Help us find her.