Subject: talking animals

So this cowboy is crossing the old west, and he meets an Indian sitting at his camp. he asks the Indian, "hey, I see you've got a dog there. does your dog talk?"

The Indian replies, "dog no talk."

The cowboy looks at the dog and says, "hey dog, how's the Indian treating you?" the dog answers, "he feeds me and gives me fresh water, and he brushes my coat, and he doesn't kick me. he treats me pretty well."

Then the cowboy turns to the indian and asks, "hey, i see you've got a horse there. does your horse talk?"

The Indian replies, "horse no talk."

The cowboy looks at the horse and says, "hey horse, how's the Indian treating you?" the horse answers, "he feeds me hay and oats, he never makes me carry too heavy a load, and i get to run around a lot. overall, he treats me pretty well."The cowboy turns to the Indian and says, "I see you've got some sheep in that pasture over there."

The Indian replies "sheep LIE!"