The Twelve Days of a Dave Friese Christmas

Sung to the tune of the "Twelve Days of Christmas"

On the first day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "What the hell am I doing here!"

On the second day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "Schmidt and Crane (my two turtle doves) are maternal twins!"

On the third day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "Three Lap Tops Hidden in the Budget"

On the fourth day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "Schweninger's main frame broke again."

On the fifth day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "I'm not re-engineered!"

On the sixth day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "A four letter word is R.I.S.C."

On the seventh day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "Seven long years since I won at golf."

On the eighth day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "I need a trip to Pebble Beach."

On the ninth day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "I'm hiding out from Executive John."

On the tenth day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "I dumped Duffer Jay for Golf Bobby."

On the eleventh day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "Kuner has a new club set (hint, hint, Jay Moore)"

On the twelfth day of Christmas Dave Friese said unto me, "Summa is not a place for me."

Ho! Ho! Ho!

From the Grinch that Stole the Golf League Championship.

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